Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hello! I haven't forgotten about this blog, honest. We have been having lots of fun around the house these days. Here is some "randomness" that we've been up to since I last posted.....

Flag football for Trent....

Flag cheerleading for Natalee.....

He's a Patterson Eagle and she's a Pierce Co. Bear :-)

Sleeping for Ryan.....

Brothers watching the Homecoming Parade.....

Natalee riding with her team....

My 33rd Birthday......

Bedtime stories with my kids.......

Halloween! They were M&M's.......

More sleeping for Ryan.....

Group picture taken in Nana's yard......

Natalee's 7th birthday party!! Cake #1

Natalee's Cake #2 (We celebrated twice, one with friends and one with family)

Trent in his pilgrim outfit he made at school......

Ryan Jesse, finally awake......

and Laughing.......

I'm loving these days!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ryan Jesse Griffin

Ryan was born on October 6, 2010 at 2:03 pm. He weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce and was 21.25 inches long.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Days changed

Well, the Doctor just called. She will be out of town, so we are moving the days back.......I go in on Wednesday and hopefully will have the baby on Thursday. But who knows! Just stay tuned.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby Griffin

Well, he's not here yet! TODAY is my due date and I'm sitting on my couch writing this blog. I went to the doctor today and she suggested a two day induction. So, I go to the hospital in the morning at 7:30 am.The actual inducing part will be on Wednesday morning. I've got my bags packed and I'm ready. I'm going to let Nathan pick the "going-home" outfit for the baby. We will be having a busy week. Just pray that we all make it through and that the baby has a safe delivery (and that I have a pain-free delivery!)

Friday, September 10, 2010


This may not be what some of you think.......

This is the only "bellyshots" I've ever done!!

Believe it or not, I've had requests for, I know I've got some good bellyshots of ME and this BABY somewhere.....

Let me take a look......

Oh no! Definitely a "bellyshot" but probably NOT what you had in mind! This is my father-in-law!

I'll keep looking.....

Now this is a cute belly!! But still.....I know I've got one somewhere.

Dear heavens! Have I ever told you these kids are crazy!! I'm not sure where they get it from!

I promise.....I think I found one of me.....

And there is it. This "bellyshot" was taken about 4 weeks ago. I've grown some since then.

I had a 4-D ultrasound done on the same day this picture was taken, so here is a look at "Leroy Eugene"..... PS.... This is NOT his real name......we just have not decided on his name yet.....

How cute is that little fella!

Finally, one more "bellyshot". This was taken two weeks ago at the baby shower given to us at our church.

That's all for now. I hope none of those pics traumatized you too much!

Baby is doing good. His heartbeat has been strong. His size is good. My blood pressue and blood sugar have been right now, we will just play the waiting game for two more weeks! That should be plenty of time to come up with a name, right??

First Day of School 2010

Natalee has a wonderful teacher this year in first grade and she has enjoyed school each day. She even got her hair cut for the new school year. She loves it short!

Trent has one more year of daycare before he gets to go to "big" school with his Sissy. Can you tell he is disappointed??

And we've got a baby due in two weeks and we will have all of this to do over again......but it will be "so worth it!"

Friday, August 6, 2010


Natalee had her Kindergarten Graduation back in May. She had a wonderful teacher and a great year at school.

We had her a Graduation Party at Aunt Bridgett's swimming pool. We invited her "graduate" friends from church. They are Jamie, Will, my girl, and Carter.

Here is her graduation picture.......she is so beautiful to me! Her smile looks so genuine. She was very proud that day.

Trent also had a Graduation, kind of. He participated in the "big kids" graduation at daycare even though he is not going to Pre-K yet. He has been part of their class since last year.

Trent learned so much last year! They learned letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and how to write their name. Ms. Lisa even taught them a Bible verse for each letter of the alphabet up to the letter K. He was excited to recite his "part" of the program.

This video shows him singing one of the songs.....

Monday, July 26, 2010

Blessed Mom

My Mother's Day 2010

My day began with breakfast at Trent's daycare. They always make sure that the kids honor and celebrate every occasion, especially Mother's Day. The look on Trent's face is so precious to me....he was so proud to give me the gifts he had made. I got a flower, notepad, hand-made card, and a jar of skittles.

My sweet little boy......

My mother is special to me.....she cooked dinner for us at her house. The food was delicious as always!

Natalee celebrated Mother's Day in her kindergarten class by inviting me to a Mother's Day Tea. Each girl in her class had made her very own "bonnett" and the boys made "baseball caps". The classroom tables were decorated with pink tablecloths and we ate cookies and had some delicious punch. Natalee gave me a flower, poem, and card.

Here is the letter Natalee wrote for me:

If you are a mom, you know what it feels like to be truly "blessed". Children are so precious....not only in our eyes as moms, but also in God's eyes.

I love to be able to spend these special days with my children. They mean everything to me.

Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm afraid.......

I'm afraid that I just might live with some rednecks......three of them to be exact!

Nathan takes pride in his Harley - he washed it up good the other day. Then, to dry it off.....well, you can see what he did.......automatic dryer..."Redneck"

It was a very hot day in May, and since we do not have a pool (yet....maybe next year) nor do we even have a "sprinkler", I turned on the sprinkler system on the front yard and let the kids run loose and have a good time. They thought it was lots of fun. What can I say? "Redneck?"

Friday, July 9, 2010

Atlanta Trip #1

We took a trip back in April during Spring Break to see the Atlanta Braves play ball and to visit the Coca-cola Museum. If you know me , you know why we went to the 2nd place! : )

Natalee and Trent love taking trips. They love staying in the motel and everyone sleeping in one big room. They especially love seeing and doing things they have never done before. Natalee is at the point where she enjoys hearing stories from us about how we came to the Braves games when we were her age. I'm thankful that me and Nathan are able to take them on trips and make memories with them.

Here's some pics:

First stop- Braves game. We saw an awesome game......however, Trent was ready to go in the 2nd inning because he was upset that it wasn't "his turn" to play. He dressed up in his baseball pants, shirt with "Trent 17" on the back, cleats, hat, and glove. He was READY to PLAY! We made it through the entire 9 innings. The Braves won the game and we enjoyed a fireworks show afterwards.

He's thinking....."when are they gonna let me play, Mama?"

Next stop - the Coca-Cola Museum! I could just live there. I used to collect Coke stuff, but I haven't bought anything in a long time. Most of my Coke stuff is upstairs and we will use it to decorate the new playroom.

More summer events to come: Mother's Day, Natalee's Kindergarten Graduation, Father's Day, Orlando Vacation, and Atalanta Trip #2......stay tuned!