Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hello! I haven't forgotten about this blog, honest. We have been having lots of fun around the house these days. Here is some "randomness" that we've been up to since I last posted.....

Flag football for Trent....

Flag cheerleading for Natalee.....

He's a Patterson Eagle and she's a Pierce Co. Bear :-)

Sleeping for Ryan.....

Brothers watching the Homecoming Parade.....

Natalee riding with her team....

My 33rd Birthday......

Bedtime stories with my kids.......

Halloween! They were M&M's.......

More sleeping for Ryan.....

Group picture taken in Nana's yard......

Natalee's 7th birthday party!! Cake #1

Natalee's Cake #2 (We celebrated twice, one with friends and one with family)

Trent in his pilgrim outfit he made at school......

Ryan Jesse, finally awake......

and Laughing.......

I'm loving these days!