Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What I've been reading

If you have a child, then you have probably read the "What to Expect" books. They have been a lifesaver to me. They have answered many questions and have helped me understand exactly what it is that my body is going through! I feel like they have helped me be a better mom too.

I learned so much from the books when I had Natalee. Now, I did call my mom an awful lot, but not as much as I would have if I did not have these books. I re-read them when I had Trent. Then, again when I had Ryan.

Ryan is 10 months old so I've been reading the book "What to Expect The First Year".

Well, life is crazy around here, so I've only read it up to the ninth month. Surely he's missing out on something because I haven't read about it yet!! For example, I know he should be eating more table food than he is, but I still give him baby food. Actually, he just started getting all of his teeth, so I think he's getting ready for the "real" stuff now. I gave him mashed potatoes from the table tonight and he loved them.

I like these books because they help me to know what to "Expect." I am a planner. I like to know what is going to happen, when it is going to happen, and where it is going to happen.

God has been gracious enough to let me plan most of my life just how I wanted it. But, he sees the need every now and then to jump in there and say, "This is how I want it, Becky. You're going to do this my way."

So, I'm dusting off my copy of this book and I will be reading it all over again for the fourth time:

If you are smart enough to realize what I just wrote, then you know what is going on with me right now!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My favorite picture of 2010

It was Christmas Day.

For us, Christmas Day is a day of relaxing and enjoying time with the family. We do not have to rush here or there. We have no obligations. We sleep as late as possible until the first kid gets up - this is usually Trent. After he gets up, I go ahead and get up Natalee because I want them to be able to look at their presents together. The past few years, I have tried hard to not "over-do" Christmas with all of the presents and stuff. I try to keep it as simple as possible. Yes, the kids get presents. I do not have a certain amount of presents that each kid gets nor do I spend a certain amount of money on each kid. Nathan and I shop together and come up with some special gifts that we think each kid will love.

This past Christmas was very special. I felt so blessed. Ryan was two months old and I could not have asked for a better baby. He has been a good sleeper, eater, everything since the beginning. Trent is such a sweet boy and he loves his baby brother so much. Natalee has always been a good girl and has a funny side to her personality. All of them are such a joy to be around.

I remember the night of my favorite picture. It had been a long, Christmas day. We spent most of the day at home. I'm sure we ventured out at some point, but what mattered most to me is that we were together.

At the end of the day, I went to feed Ryan in his room. As I sat in his rocking chair feeding him his bottle, Natalee and Trent brought their cups into the room and sat them on the table. They began to play in the floor - laughing and giggling and putting on a show, which is one of their favorite things to do together. As I sat there laughing at them, I looked over to the table to see what time it was. 10:15 pm.

That is when I saw something else. I saw just how incredibly blessed I am. I saw a green sippy cup, a pink cup with flowers, and an empty bottle. These things belonged to my children. My children. Natalee, Trent, and Ryan. My healthy children. Silly children. Happy children. Good children.

My heart was overwhelmed at that very moment. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams with three children and I've never done anything to deserve any of this. Each one of my children is special to me and I love them with all of my heart.