On the Friday before Mother's Day I was invited to breakfast with Trent and "tea" with Natalee. At Trent's daycare, we shared a breakfast of cinnamon rolls and an orange. He gave me a card and some "sugar". If you don't know him, he's pretty stingy with that sugar, so I felt pretty special when he gave me a kiss.
At Natalee's Pre-k, the children sang songs about their mothers and then we all enjoyed sugar cookies and punch. Natalee gave me a flower, a drawing of me, and a card. Natalee is pictured with her friend Zayne.
On Sunday, Nathan had a card waiting for me in my seat as we loaded up to go to church. He thanked me for being a great mom for our kids. How sweet!
We know Zayne. He is my step sister's son. Mallory likes playing with him.