Thursday, June 17, 2010

God Hears and He Answers

There is something I must share with you.

I've always prayed. I pray for my family. I pray for my friends. I pray for people who have a need. I pray because I know that God is able to answer prayers.

God wants the best for His children and He will give us the desires of our heart if only we ask. There have been times in my life when trials have challenged me. Looking back, I realize that God was there by my side the whole time.

There is one prayer that I've been praying this week.....and God answered. I have to tell you.

Natalee asked Jesus into her heart tonight!

We have been having VBS at our church. The preacher invited any student who felt that God was speaking to them to stay after class to talk with him. Natalee stayed. Our preacher Bro. James asked her the right questions and she knew the right answers. He shared with me and Nathan after church tonight.

When I talked to Natalee, she had tears in her eyes. I asked her if Jesus came into her heart tonight and she shook her head "yes". She could hardly talk about it. Later at home, she asked me to talk to her in private in her room. She told me how her heart was "beeping" and that she thought about getting saved tomorrow night, but she knew it would be too late....she wanted to get saved tonight!

She understands so much to be such a young girl. She has always wanted to know the explanation about things, and I've always been honest with her. She knows that Jesus will be in her heart for all of eternity and that he will always be there for her, no matter what.

God answered my prayer tonight. PTL!

So, here is my question to you......will God always be there for you? Have you asked Him in your heart yet?


  1. That is AWESOME!! Congratulations to Natalie.

  2. Congratulations Natalee!!! I was crying right along with her while reading this!

  3. Love this Becky! So excited for her! I was the same age as Natalee when I got saved!

  4. Becky,
    I was so excited to read this. Isn't it wonderful to be able to pass on such a wonderful heritage to our children? Praising the Lord with you. Love all of you. Cindy

  5. I'm so happy for ya'll.

    Here is the new URL for my new blog. I have been having computer problems and I lost all of my original stuff. check it.

  6. Becky,
    I have been busy & was just going through some unread emails. Thank you for sharing so candidly. You make me yearn to come to Patterson for a few days & renew fellowship with my Griffin family. I am SO happy about Natalie's decision to let Jesus in her heart. What a precious story. Also, congratulations on #3! You are keeping the grandparents busy!
    Love ya,


  7. I am so happy and excited for her! I think as a parent, that is the biggest prayer we will ever have answered - or at least it is the one that means the most to us because we know that our children are secured by an eternal life with Jesus Christ. What greater joy is there?

  8. Congratulations! That makes any parent happy!
