Saturday, March 28, 2009

Singing in the Rain

Actually, more like "playing in the rain." We got a little bit of rain on Friday and I let Natalee and Trent play in it after they got home from school. Trent was laughing so hard and putting his hands over his head. Here, they both got under Natalee's umbrella and posed for a picture.

Go Bears!

Okay, I know it's not football season, but Natalee loves to cheer for the Bears. Her dad and I gave her this outfit back in November when she turned 5. She likes to get dressed up and do dances and cheers for the Bears. She even fixed her own hair. I think my mom gave her the pom-pom. Ready? I say "GO", you say "Bears"....."Go Bears!"

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh to be a Kid Again

Doesn't this look yummy? On Friday night, I made a dessert and Trent heard the beaters going. He came running into the kitchen and said, "I lick, Mama." He got this beater clean as a whistle and I took care of the other one! Some things will never change : )

Friday, March 20, 2009

Frisbee Fun

Today after school, Natalee and Trent played with their frisbees. After a few tries, Natalee finally learned how to throw it "near" me. Trent has not mastered it yet though. His frisbee kept rolling into the flower bed. All in all, it was a beautiful afternoon for some outside fun.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Trent, my Man

Trent is all boy! He loves tractors, trains, and anything to do with the outdoors. As you can see here, he was enjoying some time pretending to drive a real tractor. He pulled every lever he could get his little hands on. He definitely thought he was big stuff that day!

Natalee's Excitement

Natalee was recently a flower girl in a wedding for our cousin. Let me say that she was the most beautiful flower girl ever! Her two front teeth were very loose, but thankfully she still had them for the wedding. The following week, however, both of them came out. She handled it much better than I did. Needless to say, she is still cute even though she is "snaggle-toothed" !


Hi Everyone! Meet us - Natalee, me, and Trent. My husband Nathan is not pictured because he took this picture of us. I would like to say that I am excited about beginning this blog so that I can capture many of the precious memories that happen around me everyday. Enjoy the read!