Friday, September 10, 2010


This may not be what some of you think.......

This is the only "bellyshots" I've ever done!!

Believe it or not, I've had requests for, I know I've got some good bellyshots of ME and this BABY somewhere.....

Let me take a look......

Oh no! Definitely a "bellyshot" but probably NOT what you had in mind! This is my father-in-law!

I'll keep looking.....

Now this is a cute belly!! But still.....I know I've got one somewhere.

Dear heavens! Have I ever told you these kids are crazy!! I'm not sure where they get it from!

I promise.....I think I found one of me.....

And there is it. This "bellyshot" was taken about 4 weeks ago. I've grown some since then.

I had a 4-D ultrasound done on the same day this picture was taken, so here is a look at "Leroy Eugene"..... PS.... This is NOT his real name......we just have not decided on his name yet.....

How cute is that little fella!

Finally, one more "bellyshot". This was taken two weeks ago at the baby shower given to us at our church.

That's all for now. I hope none of those pics traumatized you too much!

Baby is doing good. His heartbeat has been strong. His size is good. My blood pressue and blood sugar have been right now, we will just play the waiting game for two more weeks! That should be plenty of time to come up with a name, right??

First Day of School 2010

Natalee has a wonderful teacher this year in first grade and she has enjoyed school each day. She even got her hair cut for the new school year. She loves it short!

Trent has one more year of daycare before he gets to go to "big" school with his Sissy. Can you tell he is disappointed??

And we've got a baby due in two weeks and we will have all of this to do over again......but it will be "so worth it!"